Understanding ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) In Children

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Young children are usually naughty, restless, show little concentration, act and speak without thinking, do not eat properly and remain extremely active throughout the day. All these are usually normal traits, but if they are found in the extreme in any child, they can be signs of ADD – Attention Deficit Disorder or ADHD – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Case Study

Jones is an extremely naughty 6-year-old boy. At home, everyone loves his naughtiness, but of late, his class teacher has started complaining that he is becoming extremely hyperactive, never sits in the class, never listens and has started jumping on the furniture. He does not follow any instructions and replies inappropriately when asked something.

After the class teacher mentioned this to his parents, they also noticed that there is something strange about his behavior. After diagnosis, it was found that he is suffering from ADHD and might need medication for some time along with therapy.

Introduction To Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a neuro-behavioral disorder characterized by either significant difficulties of inattention or hyperactivity and impulsiveness or a combination of the two. It is one of the most commonly-diagnosed psychiatric or behavioral disorders affecting school-going children.

On an average, globally 5 to 7 percent school-going children are suffering from this disorder. It is a chronic disorder. Almost 40% of children diagnosed with ADHD continue to show symptoms in adulthood as well. Adults, however develop coping mechanisms to deal with the same. Boys are three-times more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD as compared to girls.

Symptoms Of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

The symptoms of ADHD usually become evident at a very young age and are generally diagnosed by 6 – 7 years. ADHD is characterized by:-


  • Children cannot sit quietly in place.
  • Can talk nonstop.
  • Remain constantly in motion, jump from one activity to another.
  • Will keep on running and moving all around.


  • Get distracted easily.
  • Cannot concentrate on an activity for long.
  • Do not seem to listen when others talk to them or respond inappropriately.
  • Struggle with processing information accurately.
  • Become bored from a task in only a few minutes, unless they are doing something really interesting and enjoyable.


  • Children are extremely impatient
  • Express themselves or show emotions without any restraint.
  • Cannot wait for their turn during a game or activity.
  • Often interrupt conversations and say things abruptly.

Common Myths about ADHD

The symptoms of ADHD will subside as children grow up – ADHD often continues into adulthood. So, instead of waiting for the problem to subside, help the child with suitable treatment.

The only treatment for ADHD is medication – In most cases, medication is required but, nutrition, behavior therapy, support at home and school are equally important and required.

Children with ADHD cannot be attentive – If such children are doing some activity they really enjoy, they will concentrate but, if they find anything dull or boring, they cannot hold on to it.

All children with ADHD are hyperactive – All children have problem being attentive, but not all are hyperactive. Some of them are just not attentive and appear not interested, demotivated and are often lost in their own world.

Helping Children with ADHD

It is extremely difficult at times to handle children with ADHD. They are extremely active, cannot sit calmly and talk nonstop; while some of them are simply inattentive and are not interested in what you say or do. The treatment for ADHD is a combination of medication, behavior therapy, a nutritious diet and exercise plan and a personalized plan for school and home to suit the child’s needs. Parents can work with therapists and special educators to minimize distractions and finding ways and activities that can engage the child in learning.


Children of a young age are mostly active, inattentive and impulsive but, if their behavior is extreme and they are diagnosed with ADHD, do not wait for the symptoms to subside with age. The right treatment can bring significant change in a child’s behavior and can help him or her cope with the environment in a much better way.

It can be extremely tiring to make them listen to you, finish a task or eat food properly. But, patience and constant effort is the key and it is required on the part of parent and teachers.

I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught ~ Winston Churchill (Tweet this)

Children with ADHD can be creative, intelligent, great problem solvers or may be good in sports. They can only excel in what they are good at if their energy is channelized in the right direction. Give them a lot of love, time and support and nurture them with care to help them grow in life.

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About the Author

Varsha Tyagi is a Master's in Psychology with 5 years of Experience as a Life Skills Coach and a Counseling Psychologist. She has worked with many schools, colleges and corporates as a Counselor and a Life Skills Trainer and dealt with both children and adults. She is currently working as a Life Skills Facilitator with an organization.

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