30 Love-Filled Anniversary Quotes
While, yes… Anniversary Quotes always remind you that celebrations are important to us all: whether romantic, for work, or a memory of buying your first car, or be it those crazy anniversary ideas we plan to surprise our loved ones with; there is something particularly special about a romantic anniversary.
Celebrate your love with these anniversary quotes
There is nothing like celebrating your partner and the day in which you made your love legal. Enjoy these evergreen Anniversary Quotes.
If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving one be me. ~ W.H. Auden (Tweet this)
True love means always willing to sacrifice yourself as the one who loves more.
There is no mystery—that’s the beauty of it. We are entirely explicable to each other, and yet we stay. What a miracle that is. ~ Kamila Shamsie (Tweet this)
The act of staying—actively staying—with a person you love is something worth celebrating.
I wish there was a word more than ‘love’ itself to convey what I feel for you. ~ Faraaz Kazi (Tweet this)
We have a lot of ways to say a lot of different words in all of our languages, but only one word for “love.”
The secret of a happy marriage is finding the right person. You know they’re right if you love to be with them all the time. ~ Julia Child (Tweet this)
Finding the right person is the secret to marriage, and to love, and to life.
A wedding anniversary is the celebration of love, trust, partnership, tolerance, and tenacity. The order varies for any given year. ~ Paul Sweeney (Tweet this)
There are a lot of jokes about marriage, but Sweeney’s words, though funny, ring very true.
Yes, it was love at first sight. I feel that after all these years, I have finally found my soulmate. ~ Barbara Hershey (Tweet this)
Finding one’s soulmate is one of the most fulfilling feelings in life.
We are not the same persons this year as last; nor are those we love. It is a happy chance if we, changing, continue to love a changed person. ~ Somerset Maugham (Tweet this)
Love (and marriage) is an ever-changing, always growing, thing.
You were made perfectly to be loved—and surely I have loved you, in the idea of you, my whole life long. ~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning (Tweet this)
Falling in love, and creating a life together, is something many of us think about our whole lives.
Love grows more tremendously full, swift, poignant, as the years multiply. ~ Zane Grey (Tweet this)
What a gorgeous thought; to fall more and more in love; to feel more and more fulfilled as your marriage grows.
As we grow older together, As we continue to change with age, There is one thing that will never change … I will always keep falling in love with you. ~ Karen Clodfelder (Tweet this)
Similarly, the idea of always falling in love with your partner is very romantic.
For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul. ~ Judy Garland (Tweet this)
One of Garland’s most famous quotes is one of the most applicable to love and anniversaries. A kiss is more than a kiss.
If I know what love is, it is because of you. ~ Herman Hesse (Tweet this)
It is easy to feel in love until you meet the person who redefines it for you.
A successful marriage is an edifice that must be rebuilt every day. ~ Andre Maurois (Tweet this)
Marriage is hard, and it is reassuring to be reminded that building a relationship every day is a common occurence.
A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. ~ Mignon McLaughlin (Tweet this)
Fall in love with one another, over and over again — that is true romance.
Don’t marry the person you think you can live with; marry only the individual you think you can’t live without. ~ James Dobson (Tweet this)
When you know you can’t live without someone, that is how you know they are your one.
I want you for always…days, years, eternities. ~ Franz Schubert (Tweet this)
Marriage is—or should be—for an eternity.
If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you. ~ A. Milne (Tweet this)
Milne’s words are often quoted for anniversaries, weddings, and love in general. There is a very solid reason why.
A happy marriage is a long conversation which always seems too short. ~ Andre Maurois (Tweet this)
You know when you fall in love and you never want to stop talking to that person? A happy marriage is that.
The minute I heard my first love story I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along. ~ Jalal ad-Din Rumi (Tweet this)
Rumi reminds us that love is something within us; waiting to be activated by the person that will bring it out of us.
My love for you has no depth, its boundaries are ever-expanding. My love and my life with you will be a never-ending story. ~ Christina White (Tweet this)
We say “love is forever” often enough, but White’s quote reminds us that the idea of a never-ending love story is just as romantic as “forever.”
And I’d choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I’d find you and I’d choose you. ~ Kiersten White (Tweet this)
Thinking about being apart from your one true love can be hard. White’s quote reminds us that true love can last not only a lifetime, but through many universes and worlds.
I love your feet because they have wandered over the Earth and through the wind and water until they brought you to me. ~ Pablo Neruda (Tweet this)
Neruda, forever a wordsmith, puts into words perfectly how the earth and nature plays a part in bringing us together.
When a marriage works, nothing on earth can take its place. ~ Helen Gahagan (Tweet this)
Nothing beats a functional marriage. It is a friendship, partnership, and romance all in one.
To be able to say how much love, is love but little. ~ Petrarch (Tweet this)
The concept of “how much love” is the perfect concept for an anniversary.
The art of love is largely the art of persistence. ~ Albert Ellis (Tweet this)
Persistence is important in love—in courtship, in dating, in marriage, and in everything that follows.
Love is energy of life. ~ Robert Browning (Tweet this)
If love gives us energy, marriage gives us life.
With our love, we could save the world. ~ George Harrison (Tweet this)
The Beatles had a lot to say about love and peace—the concept that love can save the world is a familiar and comfortable one. And perfect for a marriage.
Love is the poetry of the senses. ~ Honore de Balzac (Tweet this)
If love is the poetry of the senses, marriage is the narrative of life.
Love is the only gold. ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson (Tweet this)
Gold is something we all understand as beautiful and valuable. Tennyson reminds us that gold has nothing on love. It is truly all we need.
Final Thoughts
Whether you are celebrating an anniversary today, in the future, or even remembering one in the past, these 51 Best Anniversary Quotes will remind you of how lucky and fulfilling your life and love can be and has been.
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