Process of Meditation


Most of you have heard about meditation and the benefits of it. Yet, without realizing its positive effects on the body, many of us have discarded the thought of even thinking about practicing meditation. The process of meditation is difficult, but with practice, meditation can lead you to discover the Supreme self that lies within.

What is Meditation?

Meditation can be truly answered, only by those who can meditate, which means it is an experience and is not easy to put into words. But for the beginners, it can be the silencing of the thoughts or the anxiousness of the brain. Silence is what meditation is all about.

If you sit quietly for some time, all alone without thinking about anything, it is meditation. The process helps to increase concentration and most of those practicing mediation have experienced inner peace even when the outer world is out to destroy them. This very experience of inner peace is what makes one meditate. Well, for me, I have felt a feeling of calmness all around and also disciplined my thoughts.

Achievements of Meditation

Meditation has many achievements, though nothing materialistic is achieved, you can attain it by staying focused on your work, increased energy levels, positivity and reduced levels of stress, which indirectly keep us healthy and active. There are also spiritual gains that enable us to know ourselves better and know the purpose of our life. Apart from this, I have seen people improve their concentration and remain very alert during work or in any kind of environment.

Meditation is the process of getting to know your mind ~ Soyal  Rinpoche (Tweet this)

Who doesn’t want a peaceful life? But it is difficult, yet, not impossible to achieve. If you believe in yourself and help your body to stay calm and relaxed—and most importantly, discover yourself—you’ll see how you increase productivity in anything you do.

The Process of Meditation

If you have come this far reading, then definitely you are interested in meditation and you are on the journey to attain what is rightfully yours, ‘inner peace and quiet.’ Everything is set in the mind, the way you control it, the drifting thoughts, attention and concentration all are the process of meditation. The proper practice of meditation therefore enables us to gain a better primary connection to the greater reality that is the real source of everything we experience.

It would be difficult to tap the greater awareness and consciousness unless we connect ourselves with the greater reality surpassing the “surface level” of reality. It is not easy for beginners, so do not quit at the very beginning. It does take time to concentrate on one thing as there are hundreds of thoughts that run in the mind. It is rather difficult to be blank and concentrate on nothing. Simply ‘nothing’ is what you have to think of while meditating.

Meditation acts as a powerful tonic. It is a mental and nerve tonic as well. The holy vibrations penetrate all the cells of the body and cure diseases. With the help of meditation you can save on doctors’ bills. The positive vibes emerging with meditation can soothe your mind and body alike.

Non-attachment is not easy to attain either. You have to be determined to not allow any thing that can take you out of your meditation. Of course, I’m not talking about the outer world, but your inner thoughts. Deep breathing and the right posture can help in attaining non-attachment.


In the process of meditation, you mind has to concentrate and feel unattached to anything in this world. Mindfulness is the next step after you control your mind by non attachment. It is a state of mind that helps witness the internal thoughts and experience a quiet sense within. Or you can say it is a relaxing experience that stabilizes your mental activity.


About the Author

Vandana Singhal writes extensively on science, technology, health, and travel. Vandana has a degree in science and is artistic in nature.

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