Hair Care Tips in Monsoon

Hair Care
Monsoons are here again. Though we all love the rains and wait for them eagerly, we should be aware that during this time of the year, our body requires more care. We take care of our body and skin but, often neglect our hair. With proper hair care we can always manage to keep our hair safe and glossy even when the rains come.

After long hot summers, arrive the rains. They refresh us, make us feel alive and bring the soaring temperature down. It is a welcome change and almost everyone awaits the rainy season eagerly.

Our hair is at its weakest during monsoons. The fact is that it is that time of the year when our hair requires maximum care—and luckily, it is not that tough either.

I love my hair and I always take good care of it. I always make sure to maintain it by regular oiling, shampooing and conditioning. Last year, I somehow neglected my precious locks and did not take the proper care. I was too lazy to oil it before washing and often blow-dried it while rushing to work.

The same process continued for a long while and then, during monsoons, I had excessive amounts of hair fall out and a dry scalp.

As a result, I had dandruff which further added to my trouble. I have learned my lesson. My hair demands an equal amount of attention as my skin or body does, and I have never repeated the mistake again.

The hair is the richest ornament of women  ~ Martin Luther (Tweet this)

By following these simple hair care tips we can make our hair look wonderful and healthy during monsoons as well.

Tip #1

Oil, Shampoo, Condition: Yes, we agree that the rainy season brings in a lot of humidity and we do not feel the need of oiling and conditioning. But, contrary to this, oiling and conditioning is required to maintain healthy hair. Oil your hair regularly, use a mild shampoo and condition it after washing. This simple practice does wonders to the health of your beautiful locks.

Tip #2

Always gently pat dry your hair after washing them to avoid breakage. Do not be harsh on your hair.

Tip #3

Use a wide-toothed comb after washing and do not comb your hair when it is excessively wet. It will result in breakage as your strands are the weakest when they are wet.

Tip #4

Diet is important. What we eat reflects in our hair. If we have a healthy diet, it will reflect in the form of healthy, shiny and strong hair. So add green vegetables, nuts, dairy products and whole grains to your regular diet.

Tip #5

Make sure you are carrying an umbrella all the time and if you are out in the rain, try to keep your hair covered (because rain water is harmful for hair).

Tip #6

If you still get wet, make sure you wash your hair with a mild shampoo as soon as possible and condition it.

Tip #7

Drink lots of water, it not only hydrates your body and skin but it does wonders to your hair too.

Tip #8

Relax and keep yourself stress free. Also make exercise a regular part of your daily routine. What you feel from within reflects in your appearance as well.

Tip #9

Maintain a hair style that you are comfortable in. Keep your hairdo simple and manageable. Do not get a haircut or a style that makes you uncomfortable as the season brings in a lot of humidity with it.

Tip #10

Avoid using hair styling products and hair dryers. Our hair is at its weakest during monsoons. Make sure you protect them and avoid any kind of styling products and the use of hair dryers that can damage your precious locks.


The above hair care tips mentioned can be used throughout the year to keep your lovely locks healthy but, a little more effort is required during monsoons.

No one minds getting compliments for beautiful and shiny hair irrespective of their length. With proper hair care you can always  go ahead and enjoy the rain dance even when it is wet. Make sure you take some time out from your busy schedule to give your precious asset some care and the benefit will be yours… ONLY YOURS!!!

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About the Author

Varsha Tyagi is a Master's in Psychology with 5 years of Experience as a Life Skills Coach and a Counseling Psychologist. She has worked with many schools, colleges and corporates as a Counselor and a Life Skills Trainer and dealt with both children and adults. She is currently working as a Life Skills Facilitator with an organization.

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