Personality Development Tips to be Better Parents

personality development tips, personality development

The first teachers of children are the parents and people at home. Babies, toddlers, and other children ape their parents and pick up behavioral patterns from them. It is the personality of the parents that a child is first exposed to. So to be better parents you would need to take a deep look at yourselves. We believe these personality development tips can help.

In fact the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development organized a conference on parenting and this led to the publication of a book “Parenting and the Child’s World: Influences on Academic, Intellectual and Socio-emotional Development.”

Here are some personality development tips to be better parents:

Look in the mirror

As parents do you talk in angry tones with each other? As a couple, does one of you tend to order the other around?

Many years ago a friend related what happened that morning. Her husband expected her to fetch and do things for him each day and funnily enough that morning her five year old son said, “Mom, bring my shoes and socks,” she was shocked and stunned.

As parents, behave like you would like your children to behave. If you talk down to each other, disrespect one another, or fight constantly your child will grow up thinking it is okay to be rude. Jot down what traits in you that need to change and decide “I am going to count to ten mentally before losing my cool.”

Read all about personality development in our post and adopt new mannerisms.

Create positive attitude in kids

Understand the child and observe their personality. Be positive and look at the bright side of things. Try not to set goals for the child that you think he or she should have. Many parents thrust pressures on a child to excel at school, to dance like a hero and sing on TV shows.

Be a parent and not a person who has ambitions for a child. (Tweet this)

We speak of child labor and protecting the child, yet there are parents who lug a baby or child from studio to studio to be filmed in advertisements or take part in reality shows.

3. Do not compare or play favorites

Be down-to-earth and provide a safe, trusting and loving home for the child.

  • Work on your self-confidence and communication skills.
  • Never criticize others in front of a child.
  • If you have more than one child, do not play favorites and praise one child while putting down the other.

Very often when two children attend the same school teachers tend to compare one child with the success of the other. It is very defeating for the weaker child and they could grow up feeling unwanted and unappreciated.

4. Love and be loved in return

Give the child lots of love and understanding. Build deep trust and bonds. This will help develop the child’s personality in a well-rounded way.

According to experts it is parents who play a large role in the development of a child’s personality and contribute towards building a child’s intellect and social behavior.


Friendly and well-behaved parents tend to have friendly and happy children. A disturbed home environment affects a child even if it’s just a few months old and this could mark the child for life.

Parents need to be vigilant and be role models for their children.

About the Author

Ahendita is an experienced writer and editor with over 30 years work experience. She has authored books, magazine articles, web content, e-books, and promotional materials.

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