The Power of Positive Thinking

Positive Thinking

The mind is a strange thing and it can often be the cause of unhappiness, depression, loneliness, dissatisfaction with life and relationships. Our ancestors mastered the art of controlling the mind and its wanderings. It is known that masterpieces of poetry, great literary works, drama and more are figments of a wandering mind, yet it is important for us to establish some control over our thinking.

With a positive mental attitude, one feeds the mind with thoughts and ideas that in turn lead to success and growth.

Positive thinking helps you feel energized by keeping your mind healthy. The more you give in to your negative thoughts, the stronger they become.

Today many people including leading Hollywood personalities are following meditation and other Buddhist practices in order to lead better lives. Try it—it might just take you to the next level of living life wholly.

Meditate—It promotes well-being

Meditation is a proven technique for centering the mind and attaining calm and peace within.  Hindus, Buddhists, Jains and several others have reaped the benefits of meditation for thousands of years. Although one can learn to meditate through books, videos and such to begin with, a class will help you not just understand the process but to also work out the kinks and master the breathing techniques.

Even if you don’t feel this way when you spend time alone, it’s important not to spread yourself too thin. Choose the things that are most important to you and concentrate on those; give those things your all. It’s better to be fully committed to a few things, than half-assing your way through a lot.

Remember there is no such thing as a perfect time and place. Just be comfortable within yourself—choose a quiet spot. Sit down and close your eyes. Focus on breathing in and out. Let all thoughts flow out of your mind.

If your mind is full of clutter and does not focus, try meditating with music or by focusing on a lamp, an image, or object. Don’t give up. Try it every day and soon you will find improvement.

As an overactive person my eyes would never stay shut and wander all around the classroom—it took many attempts before I could actually meditate.

Try Centering

Centering nurtures positivity and helps strengthen the mind-body link. Practitioners say that this method not only releases toxins from the body it helps control the mind, consciousness and emotions. Choose any one centering method—either focus on a chime, Tibetan singing bowl, soft bell or perhaps the movement of your diaphragm moving rhythmically with your breath.

Focus and breathe deeply. Hold the breath in for around two seconds and breathe out. Within a few minutes you will find the tensions ebb and calm descend. In competitive sports, athletes use centering methods to maintain focus during competitions.


This is a technique that has proven successful in boosting self-esteem and confidence.

This always reminds me of the song from The Sound of Music, “I have confidence in sunshine . . . I have confidence that spring will come again,” in that the practitioners use mental imagery to erase feelings of fear and more.

It instills a mechanism within that overcomes negativity. All you need to do is choose one mental image of yourself—it could be anything:

  • you running down a hill,
  • winning,
  • being successful or
  • enjoying a joke.

Practice by breathing rhythmically and deeply and allowing your mind to set aside disturbing thoughts and images and replace them with the image that you have chosen for visualization. And soon you will find a new you emerge.

When a goal doesn’t happen the way you expected, it’s easy to get discouraged. Actually, that is the common thing to do. The uncommon thing to do is brush yourself off and ask the hard question, “Where did I go wrong? What more do I need to know? In what way am I making this harder than it has to be?”

Conclusion – Positive Thinking

It is all about controlling negativity and replacing it with positive thinking. Positive thinking requires discipline and practice, but when used as it should, it can create positive results in your life. If we create a tremendous amount of positive energy we create positive situations for us everyday.

A positive attitude may not solve all our problems but that is the only option we have if we want to get out of problems. ~ Subodh Gupta (Tweet this)

Positive affirmations are also part of the positive thinking. The words play a very large part in our life. When we constantly tell ourselves something good, that becomes reality to us. Affirmations are positive statements that something already exists in our life.

Affirmations are evocative words which enable the soul to initiate positive goals of inner development. Affirmations are always in the present tense. Affirmations can either be spoken or be written down. Affirmations help us to think positive.

I do not believe in taking the right decision, I take a decision and make it right ~ Muhammed Ali Jinnah (Tweet this)

I have a friend who conducts special meditation sessions for families and people who are very ill. And believe me, many of the participants have been able to shrug off the enormous burden on their shoulders and the fear and stress of impending death to lead happier lives.

There are people all over the world who believe in the healing power of the mind and that prayer, focus and a strong faith can overcome problems large and small.  Personally I find a chant along with meditation helps me see things in better light—it has changed me from a morose worrier to a person who (like a bouncing ball) finds something to smile about even on really bad days!

Read more at  Think Positive – Live Positive

About the Author

Ahendita is an experienced writer and editor with over 30 years work experience. She has authored books, magazine articles, web content, e-books, and promotional materials.

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