It’s Never Too Late to Live Your Life

never too late

Don’t regret growing older. It’s a privilege denied to many. ~ Unknown (Tweet this)

Anna is 46 years old. Both her children are grown up and have left home for studies. She now wishes to travel the world, learn about different art forms, pursue her passion for painting and make a career in this field. When asked about starting fresh at this age she replied, “I have no major responsibilities at home now. I feel more relaxed, energetic and all charged up to follow my dreams. As they say, it’s never too late!

It’s never too late . . . Age is just a number

Anna is not the only person I know who wants to give life a fresh start at a later stage. There are many more who want to experience the “It is never too late” feeling. You can start fresh whenever you want. On the contrary, the majority of us are of the view that we grow older with each passing day. We tend to fall into the trap of chronological age. To them, numbers matter.

Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter. ~ Leroy “Satchel” Paige (Tweet this)

Everyone has wishes and aspirations that they want to fulfill. Our system is such that it dictates the following life path for us: study, become independent, marry, have a family and then care for that family. By the time we complete these responsibilities, we already are way past our youth and are more or less settled in our lives and careers. We don’t want to jeopardize our normal routine or take any risk at this point in life by trying something new.

Even if someone wants to try something new, the people around them may discourage the individual. But here is the secret: People say you can’t do something because they themselves never had the courage to take a risk in their lives!

Life is to be lived fully. Of course we age with each passing day but that does not mean you are only growing old and weak. You are as young and energetic as you feel. Age is just a state of mind. Numbers really do not matter when you take care of your health and feel fit.

Shane was an honor-roll student and always topped the class. He had to drop out of college and take care of his family business when his father died. Now, at 38, he wants to go back to college and complete his degree. He says, “It does not matter when I graduate, what matters the most is that I am able to do it.” His family is happy for him and supports him.

When we picture a 50-year-old man, the image that comes to our mind is that of an old man with grey hair and a tired face with grown-up children. It is sad that we do not want to look beyond that. There are people who sulk as they enter their 30’s because they think they are growing old. On the contrary, some celebrate their 40th birthday as they feel all charged up and look at life from a fresh and new perspective.

There is no denying the fact that our body starts deteriorating as we grow older, but if we eat well, get adequate sleep, exercise, have a healthy routine, treat any disease or ailment well and on time, we can win our race against time.

Final Thoughts

We have only one life and many roles to play, many responsibilities to fulfill, many dreams and goals to achieve. So, do not let your age affect you. Of course you grow old but, you also grow strong, wise and mature into a sensible human being with the experiences gathered in this beautiful journey called LIFE.

For leading a happy and content life, it is very important that we love our life, if we were not able to fulfill any wish or achieve any goal in the past due to some reason, do not sit back and regret, take a chance.

It is never too late to live, it is never too late to dream and it is never too late to achieve!


About the Author

Varsha Tyagi is a Master's in Psychology with 5 years of Experience as a Life Skills Coach and a Counseling Psychologist. She has worked with many schools, colleges and corporates as a Counselor and a Life Skills Trainer and dealt with both children and adults. She is currently working as a Life Skills Facilitator with an organization.

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