How to Stop Bullying

stop bullying

Bullying is common and each one of us have probably encountered a bully sometime—often it’s subtle and at other times very evident. Bullying can happen at home, at work, while playing or even while travelling. It is not just grown-ups that face bullying, children do too.

In fact I realized this aspect when my kids were in school. The supervising teacher of the school bus got off earlier than around ten children who got down last.

Once the teacher disembarked the bullying began. The larger children intimidated the little ones and it did not stop at teasing—they often pulled their shirts, took away their snacks and more.

Parents need to be aware of this aspect and keep a vigilant eye on kids. Always look out for signs of being harassed. Often a child will resist going to play or taking the bus. If this happens, try to find out why and then help the child tackle the problem.

It is important to stand up to bullying

Speak to your child and explain what bullying is. Help them understand that bullying could be physical, mental, sexual, or even to do with property (theft, vandalism, extortion). Even if the child is little—try to explain (using cartoons or books) what bullying stands for. Bullying is sad, as it makes the target lose self-esteem, feel threatened, have no sense of belonging, and more.

1. Experts recommend that “tit-for-tat” is not a technique to stop bullying. So do not teach the child to retaliate.

2. Another aspect is that you must not contact the parents of the bully directly or get the child to meet the bully and ask the bully to apologize—these actions rarely solve a problem. The way to solve the problem (stop bullying) is to meet with the school teacher and counselor. And if the situation is deemed dangerous contact the police.

Often children have lost their lives due to bullying and some even give into bullying and begin stealing things from home to fund the bully or even distribute drugs in school. Be vigilant where children are concerned.

Bullying is a serious offence

Governments the world over take a serious view of bullying. The USA has set up a resource for bullying ( run by the Department of Health and Human Services with the Departments of Education and Justice. Other countries too have set up Special Forces to combat ragging and bullying. Bullying can be face-to-face or virtual—cyber or mobile.

Parents need to be close to their children and be able to pick up even small vibes. Always keep lines of communication open so that a child shares with you what happens to him or her daily and does not hesitate to relate incidents. Teach a child to be strong and firm and take the help of any responsible adult when faced with bullying.

Ways to stop bullying

With many bullies, it is all about feeling powerful. Ask your child to be courageous and look the bully in the eye and say “Stop it.” When feeling threatened, children should stay in groups and not wander into the bully’s path alone.

Often when children are being bullied they could fall sick, get nervous, lose weight, avoid going to school, or give in to the bully and become his or her shadow. In serious cases seek professional help (like counseling). Learn ways to protect your child and help the child grow up strong enough to tackle fears.

About the Author

Ahendita is an experienced writer and editor with over 30 years work experience. She has authored books, magazine articles, web content, e-books, and promotional materials.

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