How To Get A Guy To Notice You In 10 Easy Steps

How to get a guy to notice you

Dating is hard, we all know this, but even harder than dating can be the journey—even at the beginning—of how to get a guy to notice you in the first place. Read on for some simple tips to help you in your journey!

How to get a guy to notice you without trying too hard:

Here’s how it all starts….you see a cute guy and you want to get his attention …. umm, you don’t know how! Though it may seem like it’s very difficult, there are simple steps you can take that will truly explain it once and for all.

1. Flirt

It may seem obvious, but flirting is everything you need in your battle for how to get a guy to notice you. If you are not a natural flirter, don’t stress yourself out by over-analyzing your every move. Flirting can be as simple as reaching across the table to touch his forearm, letting your knees touch when you are sitting beside each other, or even holding eye contact for a minute. If you flirt with your love interest, chances are high that he will notice you in a more than a “buddy” way.

2. Be positive

Positivity does not come effortlessly to all of us, but hopefully being around your love interest will naturally spike your positive energy. Positivity is attractive to all of us—romantically and in general. If you are positive, you will draw the attention of everyone around you (including that special someone).

3. Get his attention

I am not suggesting you juggle tennis balls or do a song and dance routine, but getting his attention in a subtle way is the best thing to do. If the guy you have a crush on is a coworker, try something like bringing a loaf of banana bread into work—something that involves everyone but will help him notice you a bit more.

If you have a crush on your grocery store checker, try buying something off-the-wall and striking up a conversation about it. Standing out in a group of people (even in small, subtle ways) will be the best thing for you to get him to notice you.

4. First impressions are everything

We have all heard that first impressions mean a lot for our relationships. Though it may not always be true that the first impression is the only impression, it is true that a first impression is memorable. If you leave a solid first impression on the object of your affection, chances are he will not only have noticed you, but will remember you) as well!

5. Use your body language

Using your body language is a key to flirting as well for how to get a guy to notice you. Our bodies speak louder than our words. If you want to get the attention of a guy that you like—especially if you want to make sure he knows you like him as more than a pal—using your body language is key. Turn your body toward him, make eye contact, let your knees or hands touch, and the rest will be history.

6. Stand out in a crowd

It is hard for some of us to stand out in a crowd, especially if we don’t particularly enjoy being the center of attention. However if you want your guy to notice you, it helps to stand out in a crowd (at least to him). If you are at a party together, try to push yourself out of your comfort zone and strike up a conversation. Again, you do not have to stand out in a crowd to everyone, just to the person you want to stand out to.

7. Discuss mutual interests

Do you and your crush love the same band, or both play in a band? Are you both watching the same television show, or have a passion for the same movie trilogy? Did you both major in English Literature, or do you both share the same passion for politics? Whatever your mutual interests are, use them to your advantage! If you are not sure, you can always rely on something like new local businesses that have opened up, or a world event.

8. Be bold

This one is important—to get a guy to notice you, you have to be bold, at least a little bit bold. It is very brave to actively work at getting your crush to notice you, whether you realize it or not. Being bold by pushing yourself to attend a dinner party that you would usually skip, or making yourself strike up a conversation with someone you usually wouldn’t talk to, is the key to the issue at hand.

9. Go out on a date

Once you get him to notice you, go out on a date. One of the most important things here is to make sure that he knows that you are into him as more than a friend. If you guys are old friends but you are trying to get him to notice you in a bigger way, go out on a date.

Spend time with him in a romantic way. Hold his hand and kiss him, if he is also into those moves. If taking your friendship to the next level is what you want, going out on a date is the way to move toward that next step.

10. Be yourself

Most importantly, as always, being yourself is vital. Never, ever pretend to be someone you are not—especially to get the attention of a guy. If your ultimate goal is to potentially be in a relationship with this person, being yourself is important for your future. Being true to yourself means you will be happy in the long run, and the people around you will be happy as well.

Final thoughts

Getting a guy to notice you can be hard and frustrating, but don’t give up on what you feel is right for you. And remember: if he doesn’t notice you after all that . . . he is probably not worth your attention in the first place.

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About the Author

Jessica Tholmer has a degree in English Literature. Jessica is a full-time writer for a small company, but she writes for multiple other forums. Jessica writes about love, life, and everything in between for HelloGiggles, though her work has been featured on Nerve, The Gaggle, The Conversation, and The Siren as well.

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