Anxiety Management

Anxiety Management

Everybody is familiar with anxiety and depression. An anxiety attack stems out of worrying about something that can make matters worse for you. Challenging as it is for you, you have to pull yourself up and face today’s modern world with whatever challenges are thrown your way. Therefore coping and anxiety management is a part of everybody’s life and is also a very common issue of the modern world.

Anxiety affects millions of people, but the good news is that you can overcome anxiety. If you are one of those suffering from anxiety attacks and want to manage them, here are some ways that can help you.

Anxiety Management – Some Tips

1. Breathing Exercises

Although it may seem to be a very simple and irrelevant, it helps a lot. The right breathing methods can overcome anxiety attacks and can control them to some extent. You have to learn the methods of controlling your breathing by practicing deep breathing and exhaling regularly.

2. Recognize your Anxiety

You have to recognize the cause of your anxiety first and then find the solutions to solve it. Many times anxiety can be controlled without anybody’s help. Compile a list and find ways in which you can solve them.

3. Focus on Pleasurable Things

You can be in an anxiety period for a long time. In such tiring times, you have to make an effort to focus on pleasurable things like music, dancing, joining friends and chilling out or simply watching TV.

4. Boost your Confidence

The cause for anxiety can be anything, but it can severely affect your confidence. Try to do things that you are good at and also make you happy. Your self-confidence can help you lower your anxiety attacks as you gather courage to face challenges.

5. Join an Organization

People in similar situation can help you by just lending you support. They can understand what you are going through and help you solve your problem. Talking to them will help you out with your fears as they can relate to what you are saying.

6. Stay Glued to Your Routine

Whenever you have anxiety attacks, you do not have to sit by yourself. Continue to do your daily routine. You can go to work, play, go to school like every other day and engage yourself in activities that can take your mind off your issues.

7. Spending Time with Positive People

Friends help in ways that would surprise you. They can make you laugh, feel happy and also give you a nice time by simply talking about things that are lighter and not bothersome. You can talk to friends who think positively and are not disturbed with the issues of life and the challenges that come their way. This helps a lot as your self esteem is raised.

8. Break your Daily Routine

A break is something you have earned. You should change your daily routine and spend time at the beach or in nature (for example at the hill station) with someone whom you love to spend time with and understands you. Indulge yourself in something you have never done before. It will help to uplift your sprits.

9. Focus on Food

Food is the most important factor during anxiety. Have a balanced diet like fresh fruits, vegetables and home cooked food. Remember foods like sugar, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine and such stimulating foods can aggravate anxiety. So stay away from them. Exercising daily and getting  sleep can go a long way in helping anxiety.

10. Seek Medical Help

All the above ways can definitely help you recover from anxiety. But if you still have your anxiety fears, then the recommended solution is to visit a doctor who is a specialist in this field. A doctor can give you the perfect advice and suggest a therapist. Medications can also be given in severe cases.

Conclusion – Anxiety Management

Anxiety management helps you stay calm. It is simply the ability to learn to live with your anxiety and still function as best you can. Anxiety is not our enemy in life. In fact, we all need a certain amount of anxiety in our daily lives just to keep us going. It’s the little ‘worries’ and trivial concerns of everyday life that motivate us to get out of the bed in the morning.

Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained ~ Robert Albert Bloch (Tweet this)

Define and limit your job. Don’t try to manage the whole world. That will only exhaust you, as well increase your feeling of being overwhelmed. Remember it is “YOUR LIFE.” Make yourself comfortable, monitor your anxiety level, and do manageable things in the present.

About the Author

Vandana Singhal writes extensively on science, technology, health, and travel. Vandana has a degree in science and is artistic in nature.

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