6 Things Every Person Should Know About Online Dating

online dating

Online dating is becoming more and more of a common way to meet people. Especially with the addition of mobile dating apps like Tinder, it is likely that even more people will meet their future lover online. Social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook are often used as a way to connect to new friendships that blossom into love as well. Even though with more exposure to online dating, there comes more security, it is still vital to be aware of the following before jumping headfirst.

Some people will never want to meet you

This is something to be very aware of, and to not take seriously. There are plenty of people who use online dating, mobile apps, etc. as a way to simply converse with like-minded people. Lots of people join the sites to have something to talk about with their friends, or even just to see what the hoopla is all about. Try not to be offended if you seem to connect with someone and nothing ever comes of it.

Not everyone is as honest as you may be

Even though this lesson seems extremely old-fashioned, it is an especially important one to remember with online dating. Online, anyone can portray themselves as whoever they wish to be.

Top lawyer of a big-shot firm? That job title could be a bit of an exaggeration.

Thick head of hair? That picture could be taken from a great angle.

Single? Well, hopefully that is never a lie, but it has definitely happened once or twice.

Life is one fool thing after another, where as love is two fool things after each other. ~ Oscar Wilde (Tweet this)

Take everything you read online at face value, but hold yourself to a higher standard. Just because other people may be exaggerating their lives, does not mean you should reciprocate.

Do your own research

Clearly, the internet is a vast place. There are simple ways you can do your own research before actually meeting someone in real life. Even if someone’s dating profile is filled out to perfection, there is nothing wrong with typing their name into Google or scanning their Facebook profile. Check to see if they use Twitter, and what kinds of things they feel appropriate to tell the world. It is okay to protect yourself by doing a little extra research before agreeing to meet up.

Meet in a public place

Though this warning is also sort of old-fashioned, it is one that is easy to forget. Meeting someone for the first (or even the second and third) time should be done with the utmost precautions. Restaurants, coffee shops, or bars are the best first places to meet someone. Even if he or she seems very trustworthy, it is very important to protect yourself. You can laugh about it later, but as always, it is better to be safe than sorry.

Talk on the phone

It is so easy for us these days to forget that social interactions differ in person than they do online. Social interactions also differ over the phone than they do via Facebook message or text. Hearing someone’s voice can clue you in to plenty of things that you may not glean over the typed word.

Hearing the sound of someone’s voice is important anyway – it will help you learn even more about them before meeting them in person. And if someone refuses to talk on the phone before they meet you, there is a red flag waving for you to grab.

These things take time

Just like dating that doesn’t begin online, meeting the love of your life may take a lot of time. There is a saying about kissing a lot of frogs, and that goes double for online dating. It seems there are twice as many options online as there are in the workplace, or in your favorite coffee shop.

Sometimes, you have to kiss a few frogs to find your prince.

Since there are many more fish in the sea in the online dating world, expect to meet a few duds before you connect with someone you really enjoy. There is nothing wrong with taking your time, and getting your dating experience in. Try not to get frustrated and give up. He or she is out there, online or off.

So …Watch out, Be careful, Use your judgement and Trust your instincts! 

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About the Author

Jessica Tholmer has a degree in English Literature. Jessica is a full-time writer for a small company, but she writes for multiple other forums. Jessica writes about love, life, and everything in between for HelloGiggles, though her work has been featured on Nerve, The Gaggle, The Conversation, and The Siren as well.

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