51 Best Happy Marriage Quotes

When you want the absolute best thing to say about a happy marriage, try anyone of these 51 Best Happy Marriage Quotes. Happy marriages can become a lot more happier with constant love and appreciation.

Whether you want to woo your partner, write some words of love or just thank them for being by your side always, these best happy marriage quotes from Wisdom Times would just be the right thing to arouse love.

51 Best Happy Marriage Quotes

(happily brought to you by Wisdom Times).

The secret of a happy marriage is finding a right person. You know they are right if you love to be with them all the time. — Julia Child (Tweet this)

The secret to a happy marriage is if you can be at peace with someone within four walls, if you are content because the one you love is near to you, either upstairs or downstairs, or in the same room, and you feel that warmth that you don’t find very often, then that is what love is all about. — Bruce Forsyth (Tweet this)

A Happy marriage is the union of two good forgivers. — Ruth Bell Graham (Tweet this)

Happy marriages begin when we marry the ones we love, and they blossom when we love the ones we marry. — Tom Mullen (Tweet this)

Happy marriages are based on a deep friendship. By this I mean a mutual respect for and enjoyment of each other’s company. — John Gottman (Tweet this)

Marriage is one of the few institutions that allow a man to do as his wife pleases. — Milton Berle (Tweet this)

The secret of a happy marriage remains a secret. — Henny Youngman (Tweet this)

That’s my prescription for a happy marriage – marry someone who doesn’t do anything similar to what you do. — Maxine Kumin (Tweet this)

A happy marriage is a long conversation which always seem too short. — Andre Maurois (Tweet this)

The most happy marriage I can imagine to myself would be the union of a deaf man to a blind woman. — Samuel Taylor Coleridge. (Tweet this)

Happiness in Marriage is entirely a matter of chance. — Jane Austen (Tweet this)

In a happy marriage it is the wife who provides the climate, the husband the landscape. — Gerald Brenan (Tweet this)

Happy is the man who finds a true friend, and far happier is he who finds that true friend in his wife. — Franz Schubert (Tweet this)

My wife and I were happy for 20 years. Then we met. — Rodney Dangerfield (Tweet this)

I had a happy marriage and a nice wife. I accomplished everything you can. What more can you want? — Max Schmeling (Tweet this)

You can’t have a happy family if you don’t have a happy marriage. — Jeremy Sisto (Tweet this)

There’s only one way to have a happy marriage and as soon as I learn what it is I’ll get married again. — Clint Eastwood (Tweet this)

A so-called happy marriage corresponds to love as a correct poem to an improvised song. — Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel (Tweet this)

A good marriage is different to a happy marriage. — Debra Winger (Tweet this)

No matter what, stay by your partner.

There are two tests for a happy marriage; wealth and poverty. — Unknown (Tweet this)

Marriage is not a noun; it’s a verb. It isn’t something you get. It’s something you do. It’s the way you love your partner every day. — Barbara De Angelis (Tweet this)

A happy marriage is about three things: memories of togetherness, forgiveness of mistakes and a promise to never give up one each other. — Surabhi Surendra (Tweet this)

To keep your marriage brimming, with love in the loving cup, whenever you’re wrong –admit it, whenever you’re right shut up. — Unknown (Tweet this)

What counts in making a happy marriage is not so much how compatible you are, but how you deal with your incompatibility. — George Levinger/Leo Tolstoy (Tweet this)

A happy marriage is not based on the number of days, months or years you’ve been together. It’s all about how much you love each other everyday. — Unknown (Tweet this)

A happy marriage is a selfless journey in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own. — George & Yvonne Levy (Tweet this)

Happiness in marriage is a moment by moment choice. A decision to love, forgive , grow and grow old together. — Fawn Weaver (Tweet this)

Marriage does not have to be perfect to be beautiful. — Unknown (Tweet this)

A happy man marries the woman he love; a happier man loves the women he married. — Unknown (Tweet this)

Marriage is sharing life with your best friend, enjoying the journey along the way and arriving at every destination…together. Fawn Weaver (Tweet this)

Happy marriages are like fingerprints, each one is different and each one is beautiful. — Unknown (Tweet this)

We had a happy marriage because we were together all the time. We were friends as well as Husband and Wife. We just had a good time. — Julia Child (Tweet this)

The goal in marriage is not to think alike, but to think together. — Robert C. Dodds (Tweet this)

Marriage is not about finding the one love the most. It’s about finding the one who annoys you the least. — Unknown (Tweet this)

A good marriage is each for the other and two against the world. — Robert Brault (Tweet this)

Marriage doesn’t make you happy-you make your marriage happy. — Drs. Les & Leslie Parrott (Tweet this)

This one’s truly said.

No relationship is all sunshine, but two people can share on umbrella and survive the storm together. — Unknown (Tweet this)

Marriage is a mosaic you build with your spouse. Millions of tiny moments that create your love story. — Jennifer Smith (Tweet this)

The great secret of successful marriage is to treat all disasters as incidents and none of the incidents as disasters. — Sir Harold George Nicolson (Tweet this)

Marriage is a thousand little things that make up the sum of our vows. —Darlene Schacht (Tweet this)

The heart of marriage is memories. —Bill Cosby (Tweet this)

Your marriage isn’t scripted by screenwriters in some office, but by an amazing God who loves you dearly. —Tony Di Lorenzo (Tweet this)

More marriages might survive if the partners realized that sometimes the better comes after the worse. – Doug Larson (Tweet this)

One of the nicest things you can say to your partner, If I had it to do over again, I would choose you again and again. — Unknown (Tweet this)

The secret to having a good marriage is to understand that marriage must be total, it must be permanent, and it must be equal. — Frank Pittman (Tweet this)

Marriage, like a submarine, is only safe if you get all the way inside. — Frank Pittman (Tweet this)

Getting married is a way to show family and friends that you have a successful personal life. It’s like the ultimate merit badge. — Andrew Cherlin (Tweet this)

Marriage is one long conversation, checkered with disputes. — Robert Louis Stevenson (Tweet this)

Marriage is three parts love and seven parts forgiveness of sins. — Lao Tzu (Tweet this)

If a married couple with children has fifteen minutes of uninterrupted, non-logistical, non-problem- solving talk every day, I would put them in the top 5% of all married couples. It’s an extraordinary achievement — Bill Doherty (Tweet this)

Marriage, families, all relationships are more a process of learning the dance rather than finding the right dancer. — Paul Pearsall (Tweet this)


With these 51 best happy marriage quotes, we hope we were able to induce the concept of happy marriages, what it takes to make a marriage.

Before we get to the end, do you want to know how happy are you in your marriage? Here, take our How Happy Are You In Your Marriage QUIZ to get a clear insight about your married life. While taking the quiz just remember, ‘Your brain is always smarter than your heart’.

Wisdom Times wishes you a very happy married life. Cheers !!!

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