How to get Pregnant


How to get PregnantOne generation ago most families were large with at least four to six siblings. Couples had no difficulty in growing their families—my grandmother used to say that this aspect was lifestyle-related.

Food was of good quality, life was relaxed, and there was no television or night-life. People slept early, made love often and brought-up large families.

In fact medically-related conception problems were relatively unknown. Today couples often plan their families and use contraceptives to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Another factor that plays a role is age. Earlier in history, women were very young when they married and had children.

Today women marry later and decide on having children much later, too. Often due to urban living related factors couples need to look into various factors to really understand how to get pregnant.

Consult a Gynecologist

The first step in how to get pregnant is to have a thorough check up done. Sit down with your gynecologist and discuss your decision to get pregnant and understand the process. In case you have any health problems like high blood pressure or diabetes you must let the doctor know. Before your visit prepare a list of questions you may want answers to.

Learn About Conception

The World Wide Web has wonderful resources that will help you learn how to get pregnant. You’ll find many sites all about conception and menstrual cycles. The American Pregnancy Association has created an e-book to guide would-be parents. Know when ovulation is likely so that you can plan the conception (have sex). There are many ways to track optimal periods—ovulation calculators, ovulation predictor kits, tracking basal body temperature, and watching for vaginal secretions.

Plan the Sex

Increase the frequency of sex, especially during the days that ovulation is likely. It’s best to have sex each day for at least a few days prior to ovulation. An average woman has a 28-day menstrual cycle. If the woman ovulates on day 14 of her 28 day cycle, it’s best to have sex on days 12, 13 and 14 of that cycle.

For many, the chances of pregnancy are enhanced with multiple matings. Create a conducive atmosphere—candles, aroma, music, flowers. Enjoy being together and you are sure to succeed.

Take care of Diet and Health

Do things right from day one. Give up habits like smoking and drinking. Create a balanced diet plan for both of you. Make it a point to exercise every day—follow a light routine, vigorous exercise for the would-be mother may not be beneficial. Include all the colors of the rainbow in your diet—not artificial colors but carrots, greens, beet and so on.

Bust the Stress

Try to be clam and happy. Go on a holiday together. Rediscover romance. Eliminate all actions/irritants that cause stress. Work together as a couple and adopt some relaxation techniques like listening to music, any meditation technique that suits you, or chants. Maximize the chances of conception.

Consult the Doctor

In case all efforts to get pregnant fail. Consult a fertility expert who will run tests to ensure that there is no health problem that is preventing conception. A fertility expert will not only consult with you on how to get pregnant, but also be able to help you overcome problems like low sperm count and hormone imbalances. Experts will help you enhance chances of pregnancy and guide you as to what changes you need to make in diet, weight, and lifestyle and so on.

Final thoughts on how to get pregnant

Being parents will change your life, so be prepared and know what having a baby will entail. Make smart choices when choosing a birthing plan. Join groups where couples share experiences and joys as well as problems.

Agree that being parents is important to you and decide on how you will be able to provide for the child and what your pre-natal and post-natal plans will be.

About the Author

Ahendita is an experienced writer and editor with over 30 years work experience. She has authored books, magazine articles, web content, e-books, and promotional materials.

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