Activities for Two Year Olds

activities for two year olds

I as a mom (and now grand mom) have never ever agreed with the term “terrible twos”—ever thought about it? Adults label everything around them from their point of view. I on the other hand would say “The year of adventure/exploration.”

The curiosity of a two year old is something to be admired, and they learn by doing. A two year old does not know that vases break and flowers die if pulled from a vase—the flowers nod their heads and call out to a two year old to touch them.

So, what constructive activities for two year olds can be used to channel their energy in the right direction? My son when he was two was labeled “Einstein” by me and “destructive” by my husband.

We had many toy cars with no doors/tires, dolls without heads, and broken ornaments. I learned very quickly to remove all movable objects, stop using table cloths with dangling ends that beckoned, and fitted door stoppers to all the doors.

My son learned very quickly that doors swing shut—he locked himself in twice creating panic. Now I look back and laugh at my “Dennis the Menace.” Learning, yes. but also fun activities for two year olds is the key to keep them busy and occupied.

Activities for two year olds – Let them Discover

With a two year old, you need to stay mentally and physically one step ahead. It’s a dance all the way. If the young one learns that a crayon decorates walls you can say bye-bye to well-painted walls.

Learn to read the signs of trouble and keep the young one busy through the day. Stimulate the toddlers mind with pop up books, magic slate and other toys. Take the child to the garden everyday and let the child play in the grass.

Teach the child that some activities can hurt. Experts in child care advocate that caregivers should allow a child to discover things

  • a ball will bounce and run away,
  • build a tower with blocks, or
  • fill a bucket with sand.

Every step for a child is a triumph. Understand the child and help him/her build on strengths and conquer weaknesses.

Activities for two year olds – Let them burn the energy

Two year olds are like steam engines—they have lots of energy. Allow them to use that energy—run, play, talk, and more. Unused energy equals mischief and attention-grabbing tactics.

Many young ones are hyper. So keep them away from excess sugar, chocolates, and cocoa drinks.

My son used to be like an ape swinging from things and jumping up and down, it was when my pediatrician told me about the effects of cocoa that realization dawned and I stopped giving him flavored drinks and milk chocolate. He soon was more manageable.

Create a schedule for the child with definite “mat time” make sure the two year old lies down and closes his eyes for a while. Include story hours and coloring, and the child will be balanced and happy.

Activities for two year olds – Cut the babying

Two year olds understand everything, so convey to them what you feel in normal language. Be firm and use a calm tone, avoid speaking to the two year old when in the midst of a tantrum. Later explain that good behavior is nice and bad behavior makes you sad. Understand the emotions of the child. If the child is morose spend more time cuddling, and holding their hand.

Another aspect to keep in mind is that two year olds absorb moods of their parents and if parents fight or argue they tend to react. So think about the child before fighting/arguing or crying in front of him/her.

Activities for two year olds – Encourage participation

A friend of mine brought up two sons single-handedly in a foreign country. Her way was to allow them to help her with house work—while she cooked the two young ones sat on the kitchen floor with empty vessels and spoons and “cooked.” The younger son would knead flour with her and even roll out dough with a small play rolling pin.

It’s easy when you allow the child to do small things. Let the toddler water plants with a small watering can, or help you garden.


Activities for two year olds should be fun as well as a learning experience. According to child care psychologists, it’s healthy for a child to do meaningful things. Think out of the box and smile when the mountain climber tries walking on the sofa edge or car roof.

About the Author

Ahendita is an experienced writer and editor with over 30 years work experience. She has authored books, magazine articles, web content, e-books, and promotional materials.

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