10 Ways To Show Your Appreciation For The People In Your Life

10 Ways To Show Your Appreciation For The People In Your Life

Don’t forget, a person’s greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated. ~ H. Jackson Brown, JR. (Tweet this)

There are plenty of people in each of our lives who do so much for us on a regular basis. Your partner loves and supports you, your parents raised you and are hopefully still in your life supporting you, your children inspire you, your best friend listens to you, your coworkers understand your daily struggles. How often do you show your appreciation for the people in your life? Here are a few great ways to show your appreciation.

1. Hand-written “Thank You” cards

In the internet era, we often forget to make a gesture that includes our own handwriting. When was the last time you sent a handwritten thank you card to someone you love or appreciate? Whether or not there is a specific occasion, sending out (or hand delivering) a thank you card is an incredible gesture. The recipient will appreciate your thoughtfulness.

2. Make a toast

Out to dinner with some friends? Why not make a friendly toast to thank them for being in your life. Whether or not a specific friend did something particularly noteworthy, sometimes it is nice just to recognize and honor the people in  your life. Stand up and make a public toast to the people who love and support you. There won’t be a dry eye in the house.

3. Thank them on social media

Though social media is not for everyone, many of us use it (and rely on it, even) to connect with the people in our lives. If someone has done something particularly touching lately, why not call them out on social media? Update your Facebook status, send out a tweet, or post a nice picture of the two of you on Instagram. Being recognized in a public forum is a great way to prove that you love and appreciate the people (or person) in your life.

4. Buy them a gift card

Do you want to show appreciation to your brother? Buy him a gift card to his favorite brewery. Your friend who loves coffee? Pick up a Starbucks gift card or head to your local coffee shop to offer them up a treat on you. Buy a gift card to help pay for that trip to Disneyland, or a nice anniversary dinner for your parents. Luckily, there are gift cards for everything, which means you will be able to treat your family or friends to whatever they love most.

5. Treat them to dinner

Do you want to thank your partner for being extra supportive lately? Why not head to dinner? Branch out and try a new place—one you two have never been to before, just to make things interesting. If you are creatures of habit, why not head to your favorite restaurant and spend some time alone? Taking someone out to dinner is always a great gesture to show your appreciation. The additional quality time is always nice as well!

6. Give them physical affection

If it is appropriate, reach out and give your person a hug. Physical affection is one of the best ways to touch someone, and to show them your appreciation. Not all situations permit physical affection, but if you are showing your appreciation to your partner, your close friend, or a family member, chances are, it is a nice way to show your appreciation. Nothing shows your love and appreciation like a long hug.

7. Offer a favor

Did someone do something exceptional for you? Why not offer them something in return? Not every favor has to be returned with a favor necessarily—but it doesn’t hurt to offer anyway. If someone went out of their way to help you out, show them your appreciation by offering them something back.

When your car was broken down and your coworker picked you up for work, why not buy them coffee or offer to cover their shift during a busy time in their life? There are plenty of ways to pay back a favor, all the while, showing your appreciation for that person in your life.

8. Be genuine

Nothing will counteract your appreciation quicker than your disingenuous behavior. No matter what gesture you are making to show your appreciation, be genuine when you do so. If you are genuinely appreciative of someone in your life, you will find ease in this step.

9. Be there for them

Not all appreciation comes in the form of gift-buying. Sometimes, the best way to show your appreciation is to simply be there for your friend, family member, or partner. Show up to their soccer game or performance, remember their birthday, call them just to say HI. Showing your appreciation can be as simple as remembering to talk them through a stressful day or remembering to simply say hello.

10. Pay it forward

Even if you are not directly doing something for the people in your life, by “paying it forward” and being a good person who cares for others, you will show your appreciation to the world. Volunteer, give to charity and be as warm of a person as you can be—everyone will notice your kindness.

Final Thoughts

Appreciating the people in your life is the key to your own happiness. Love and support are two-way streets—make sure you are there for the people who are there for you. Smile, say thank you, give a hug, and acknowledge how much they mean to you. A little goes a long way.

Appreciation is a wonderful thing, it makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well. ~ Voltaire (Tweet this)

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About the Author

Jessica Tholmer has a degree in English Literature. Jessica is a full-time writer for a small company, but she writes for multiple other forums. Jessica writes about love, life, and everything in between for HelloGiggles, though her work has been featured on Nerve, The Gaggle, The Conversation, and The Siren as well.

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