Interview Techniques for Effective Hiring
How many of you are in a position where you need to screen candidates for a job to find the most suitable one? Have you ever really thought about it, especially if you are going to conduct an interview?
The person or panel who is conducting an interview and is on the other side of the table also needs to be prepared and should have some skills so that the interview is a success. Much of your company’s success depends on tapping the right candidate for the right job.
Case Study
Jessica got promoted to Recruitment Manager in a consulting firm. Her core job now is to screen managerial-level candidates before sending them to client companies who want to hire them. But, she is struggling to make a mark.
Many a time she conducts interview without reading the resume of the candidate and sometimes, she forgets to bring a print-out of the job description and then finally, on several occasions, she could not make the interviewee comfortable and the interview was a failure. All these mistakes have started resulting in dissatisfaction from both the client company and the job seeker. Poor performance affects everyone.
Conducting an interview is an art. If the person applying for the job should be skillful and fit for the position, then, the interviewer needs to be equally skillful and effective for the interview to be a success. So, the next time when you sit in the hot seat, remember: small things can make a difference in that interview.
1.Know well what you need
It is very important to be clear about the job description and what kind of a personality and skill-set will best suit such a position.
2. Go through the resume before the meeting
It is always good to have some knowledge about the candidate beforehand by screening the resume before the meeting. It saves time and helps you ask more relevant questions. Laying the groundwork beforehand will give you more latitude to interact with the applicant during the interview.
3. Remember, nonverbal cues are important
As an interviewer you need to dress smartly, welcome the interviewee, shake hands, maintain eye contact and keep on nodding when the interviewee speaks so that you look interested and active.
4. It is not an exam
Most of the interviewers make a mistake of making the interview a question/answer round. It is always advisable to make the interview more of a conversation so that the interviewee is also at ease and can answer your questions properly.
5. Be flexible
Many times the interviewer wants the interview to have a particular flow and if things do not go according to their plan, they become negative about the whole situation and the interviewee. Be flexible. If the interviewee has not answered according to your expectation and you need to ask and probe more, be ready for that and do not be in a hurry to judge.
6. Do not keep it too short or too long
If you have many interview meetings lines up, make sure you have ample time for each candidate and do not jump from one candidate to another. This way you may miss out on some important information and may not be able to decide the most suitable candidate. When the time is right, bring things to gracious and positive conclusion.
7. Take notes
Many times, interviewers do not take notes during the interview and regret it later while discussing it with their bosses or colleagues or when making a final call. Always keep a notepad and pen handy and take notes.
8. Be Prompt
Many interviewers do not start interviews on time. Be professional, make sure you stick to the time given to the candidate(s). After all, you are also making an impression and it should be a positive one.
An interview is a two-way process. The interviewer and the interviewee both have to be prepared and effective to make it a success. So, next time, when you are going to conduct an interview, make sure you also put in your best and put on a great show. It Really Matters !!
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