How to keep your Heart Healthy after 30?
People are often heard saying “Health is Wealth” or “A Healthy Mind Stays in a Healthy Body.” Once we hit our 30s, our body requires more care and maintenance. Those who are unable to do that, suffer from health related problems later. How to keep your heart healthy? Does this question often linger in your mind? A healthy lifestyle will certainly keep your heart healthy.
Case Study
Sid is 37, he loves eating junk food and fried stuff. He also has a lifestyle that keeps him extremely busy and he is left with no time for exercise. As a result he has put on weight. For the past few months, he feels breathless and tired even after little bit of physical activity.
His wife took him for a checkup and his tests show increased levels of cholesterol and high blood pressure. Now, he has been put on a strict diet and workout so that he can avoid any serious heart problems in the future.
How to keep your heart healthy
It is not only about Sid. Many among us are careless towards our diet and lifestyle. The heart plays a vital role in the functioning of our body and as we grow older, we need to be more cautious about our health.
Our health will be fine if all our major organs function well, and the heart plays an extremely important role in the smooth functioning of our body. We need to be careful towards the health of our heart.
Below are some simple steps that we can follow in our daily routine to keep our heart healthy:
- Be Active – It is a good practice to be physically active and do small chores by yourself. Walk at least 15 mins a day. Chose stairs instead of the elevator. Also, if you have a job that demands long sitting hours, try to take small breaks in between—walk and stretch a little. Keeping yourself fit not only benefits the heart but also improves mental health and well-being.
- Avoid Smoking and Drinking – Giving up smoking and drinking can reduce the risk of heart diseases by almost 50 percent.
- Manage Your Weight – The risk of suffering from heart disease increases if you are over weight. Try to eat a healthy and balanced diet to keep your weight in check.
- Workout – Exercising like running, jogging, aerobics, yoga, brisk walking for 30 minutes five days a week can help you stay healthy and keep your weight in control.
- Cut excess use of salt and oily food – Lowering salt intake and cutting down on fried food can help you keep blood pressure under control and keep the heart healthy.
- Check the Food Labels – Always read the food label and check the ingredients used for nutrient value. It will help you avoid unwanted calories.
- Regular Health Checkups – Make it a point to go for regular health checkups (every six months), after you are 30. It will help you keep a track of your health and also tell you if you are developing any health problem.
- Look Out for Warning Signs – If you feel tired after minimal physical movements, if you feel pain in your chest or you experience frequent headaches, it is time for you to be alert and visit a doctor. Never neglect any of these warning signs.
When it comes to the health of your heart, what you do and what you don’t do, can truly make a difference. Our heart works 24 x 7 and needs proper care. As it is an internal organ and is not visible to us, we often tend to neglect it.
As we grow past our thirties, it becomes very important for us to be alert about our health. Regular health check ups, a controlled diet and regular exercise can go a long way in maintaining the health of our heart and staying fit. Fruits and vegetables are some of the most healthy foods you can ever consume.
So, how to keep your heart healthy? Do not wait for the warning signs to appear. “A stitch in time saves nine.” Incorporate the above-mentioned practices in your daily life and enjoy a happy and healthy life.
Be heart smart and have a healthy heart!!!
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