Benefits of Vitamin D – Benefits and Sources of Vitamin D

Hi Friends, I’m Vitamin D, also known as the Sunshine Vitamin. You can call me D for short. You don’t know me very well, although I reside within you. So I thought of introducing myself and giving a little insight into why I’m here with you. Read my story to learn the benefits of Vitamin D.

Benefits of Vitamin D

Remember when you were a little kid, how your parents would always ask you to go out and play rather than staying indoors watching television? Well, there was a reason for it.

Physical outdoor games not only help in strengthening one’s muscles or improving the sociability of a child. The exposure to sunlight is a great source of Vitamin D, and that’s where I come from.

Now you must be wondering why I’m actually here? Well, it is vital for you to have me in your body as I’m quite helpful really. You see, drinking milk and taking in all that calcium would be of little use if it weren’t for me, as I help in absorbing the calcium and in-turn strengthening your bones.

Apart from that I perform a lot of other important functions such as helping hair grow, increasing immunity and keeping away cold.

I also help in safeguarding you from certain deadly diseases. For example, I try my best to avoid development of cancer cells in your body and even in keeping your heart healthy.

And what happens if you refuse to let me live in your body? Poor bones would be the first impact, weakening and pain in the bones is the first visible sign of trouble. If ignored, it could also result in Osteoporosis or Rickets etc. And you surely don’t want that.

Sources of Vitamin D

One thing for sure is that you need Vitamin D, your buddy. So the next question is, where can you find me? Your best bet is to find me in sunlight, better in the early part of the day. But I’m also present in food stuff, mainly seafood lovers won’t find it difficult to get hold of me.

I am present in fishes like Tuna, Mackerel, Sardines and Salmon (apart from cod liver oil). Liver, eggs and beef are other options for non-vegetarians. My veggie friends needn’t despair either, as I also reside in milk and milk products. Foods fortified with Vitamin D are another source of intake, mainly through breakfast cereals, orange juice and health drinks to be added in milk etc.

How much Vitamin D?

So how much of me do you need? Really, it depends on a lot of factors such as age, gender and even skin color. Exposure to sun should be limited to half an hour a day, wherein most of the body is in direct contact of sunlight.

Mornings are a better time for intake of good quality sunlight. I do take a little more time to penetrate dark-skinned people and you might have to spend a little more time for better results. No racism though, it’s just how I am structured.

Excess intake of vitamin D could sometimes produce toxins and lead to calcification of blood which might be damaging to your heart, blood vessels and kidneys. This is likely to happen in case of excess dietary intake and not due to overexposure to sunlight.

One word of caution here, in case you are a mom-to-be please consult a doctor before taking dosages of Vitamin D supplements, as babies take time to know me better—don’t force me onto them.

Well, I guess it was helpful to know me better and the benefits of Vitamin D. Please do take care to ensure you get enough doses of sunshine for a bright and happy life. Cheers!

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About the Author

Ravi is a business leader looking for ways to let out his creativity. His interests include watching sports, listening to music and playing games apart from writing. His philosophy in life is "give everything your best shot and live with no regrets".

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