Benefits of Being a Vegetarian

Benefits of Being a Vegetarian

The health benefits of being a vegetarian are many as long as you’re aware of the nutritional requirements. There are plenty of reasons why one should become a vegetarian. With the growing awareness all over the world, people now prefer vegetarian food as it is healthier and has plenty of benefits to live a healthy life.

The younger generation is more aware of the negative facts about being a non-vegetarian and its effect on health. However health is not the only reason why one should become a vegetarian. But the fact remains that health is still the number one factor that turns people into strict vegetarians. A well balanced vegetarian diet can help you gain all the main groups of food needed for a healthy body.

If you need to know why being a vegetarian has health benefits, here are the reasons:-

  1. Vegetarianism promotes overall better health.
  2. It is known to decrease risk of obesity.
  3. There is a decrease even in heart disease, strokes etc.
  4. Decreased risk of diabetes, cancer and other major diseases.

Benefits of Being a Vegetarian

Clearly, it is good health and a low cost of living. Apart from having a healthy life, you can have a healthy old age that does not have you depend on medicines. Vegetables do not produce the free radicals that trigger cancer cells. You do not have to kill a living thing for your taste buds.

Factors Relating to Environment

Becoming a vegetarian also benefits the environment. Vegetarian people do not build as much pressure on the earth as the meat-eating people. Too much is at stake that is leading to the imbalance of the earth and the environment the world over. There are plenty of environmental reasons for being vegetarian like:

  • The cost of meat exceeds the cost of vegetables.
  • Rearing animals is costly to the earth as they need plenty of plants, which are getting exhausted.
  • Cutting of trees for animals increases global warming.
  • The livestock sector produces 9% of carbon dioxide due to human related activities.
  • Animal flatus and ructus comprise methane that has 23 times the carbon dioxide as normal. This is due to the manure that produces nitrous oxide that warms the earth and is reason for acid rain created due to ammonia and carbon dioxide.

Ethical Reasons Behind Being a Vegetarian

Let us not miss the ethical reasons behind being a vegetarian. Many people turn out to be vegetarians due to animal treatment that they happen to hear, see or read in various places. Their consciousness plays a vital role in turning them into vegetarians.

Man has the power to kill animals as well as to let them live in peace. Animals also have a right to live their life fully. Moreover, the treatment given to animals in the slaughter sheds is truly revolting. There are no rules to kill the animals. Hence nobody is bothered whether the animals die painlessly or not.

The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. To my mind, the life of a lamb is no less precious than that of a human being. ~ Mahatma Gandhi (Tweet this)

Remember you are human, which means you can think and help to have a lovely world without turning yourself into a barbarian. There are plenty of natural foods available all around you that you can truly enjoy and relish.

Body Structure

Scientifically speaking, the human body is not made to be animal-eating. It is designed to be vegetarian. For example, humans have a long intestine that takes a lot of time to digest food, which means the meat stays in the body for a longer time as compared to animals that have shorter intestines.

The human body is evolved from apes and as they preferred green food, it justifies that humans should eat roots, fruits and vegetables.

Conclusion – Being a Vegetarian

Being a vegetarian has its merits and is now widely accepted fact that it does make you feel better and happy deep within. Everyone wants to live a happier and healthy life, right? No matter your age or situation, a well-planned vegetarian diet can meet your nutritional needs.

About the Author

Vandana Singhal writes extensively on science, technology, health, and travel. Vandana has a degree in science and is artistic in nature.

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