How To Set And Achieve Personal Finance Goals In India

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Goals drive us to mobilize our ambitions. Learn how to set and keep Personal Finance Goals with practical case studies and interactive activities

Course Description

Why you should take this course?
Sometimes, the simplest of things in life may not always be as simple as they appear; it may be important to break down what appears to be simple and familiarize ourselves with some details to make financially better decisions. This course is going to help you with that.

It will cover topics on

  • How to identify your goals
  • How to assess and prioritize those goals so that your financial decisions and actions compliment them.
  • How to set timelines, plans to track, and subsequently achieve those goals.

What is this course about? What to expect from this course?
Goals drive us to mobilize our ambitions. Not only are they paramount to Financial Planning, they also enable effective financial decisions. Without knowing or understanding your goals, how would you plan and then implement the right financial decision? Therefore, Goals are very IMPORTANT! In this course, we’ll help you understand this simple yet important financial element- Goals.

What are the pre-requisites for taking this course?
There are no pre-requisites as this starts at an elementary level.

Who will benefit from taking this course?
If you really want to make a quantum leap towards improving your financial well-being, you will benefit and see value in this course.


Module 1: Pending Goals
How To Handle Pending Goals 05:51
Module 2: Time For Action
How To Track And Achieve Your Goals 09:07
Module 3: Get Prioritized
How To Prioritize Goals (With Practical Examples) 07:37
Module 4: Goals 101
Understanding Goals (With Practical Examples) 13:56
Module 5: Introduction
Welcome 02:12
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Instructor Details

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, Finance Expert & Author

Sridhar is a financial analyst and his work experience spans areas of financial analysis, modeling, valuation and research on companies, specific sectors, etc. Sridhar is an MBA graduate with Finance major from Maharishi Institute of Management.

Goals drive us to mobilize our ambitions. Learn how to set and keep Personal Finance Goals with practical case studies and interactive activities

What is included

  • 5 modules, 5 lessons
  • Practical examples
  • Unlimited access to streaming videos