How To Plan For Contingencies: A Guide For Contingency Planning

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Every individual faces contingencies in life such as illness, temporary loss of job, accident, etc. Learn how to be prepare for these emergencies.

Course Description

Why you should take this course?

Contingencies are quite unpredictable and they can upset your future plans. However, if one is prepared in advance and provides the necessary funds to deal with such situations, the amount of loss or damage can be compensated and minimized as far as possible. These lessons would talk about different situations and provide various tools, options and solutions that you can implement and successfully resolve your contingency situations.

It will help you answer some of your common questions like

  • How much to save for emergencies
  • Where to invest for contingencies
  • How to plan for such contingencies in the first place

What is this course about? What to expect from this course?

The course explains real-life contingency situations & misconceptions. You will understand how to use insurance for these situations. Contingencies can affect our lives dramatically and also impact our loved ones. Moreover, it can also force you to postpone or cancel your goals, which can be highly disappointing. This course will help you prepare by finding ways to minimize contingent losses and having emergency reserves.

What are the pre-requisites for taking this course?

There are no pre-requisites as this starts at an elementary level. However, if you come across new terms or concepts, feel free ask questions or make a note for later reference.

Who will benefit from taking this course?

Anyone who wants to make a quantum leap towards improving their financial well-being will benefit and see value in this course.


Module 1: Introduction
Welcome 02:40
Facebook Mastermind Group
Module 2: Contingencies 101
Real life contingency situation and misconceptions 07:51
Module 3: Tips to prepare
How much should I save for emergencies? 06:33
Module 4: Understanding options
How to use insurance for contingencies 08:20
Module 5: Tips to save
How to save for contingencies 08:26

Instructor Details

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, Finance Expert & Author

Sridhar is a financial analyst and his work experience spans areas of financial analysis, modeling, valuation and research on companies, specific sectors, etc. Sridhar is an MBA graduate with Finance major from Maharishi Institute of Management.

Every individual faces contingencies in life such as illness, temporary loss of job, accident, etc. Learn how to be prepare for these emergencies.