Attract Money: How To Bring An Abundance Mindset To Your Finances

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Having and abundance mindset is critical if you want to run a successful business.

Course Description

Why you should take this course?
Gallup recently released a study where 50% of Americans feel very stressed about money. Financial stress has also been linked to health concerns and is credited as one of the top reasons for failed relationships.

Do you currently feel like you are living in this reality? Does money have a chokehold on you? Through this course you will learn how to cultivate an abundance mindset and how to apply it to your financial life.

It will help you answer some of your common questions like:

  • How do I create healthy financial habits and actually stick to them?
  • How do I create and work toward my financial goals?
  • How can I begin to change my financial reality?
  • How can I attract more abundance into my life?

What is this course about? What to expect from this course?

  • What abundance mindset actually means?
  • How your beliefs about money affect your reality?
  • How self-worth plays a major part in your net worth?
  • How to take a fearless inventory of your financial situation?
  • How to begin forgiving past money mistakes?
  • How to set new financial goals based on what you value?

This course will teach you all the basics of abundance and how to apply it to real life money situations such as asking for a raise, starting a business and budgeting.

What are the pre-requisites for taking this course?
This course starts with the basics and assumes you have little to no background in financial concepts and manifestation

Who will benefit from taking this course?

  • Any individual who has to deal with money on a daily basis
  • Anyone who is struggling making more money, ex. under earners, beginning business owners
  • Anyone who is interested in the psychology behind financial decisions

Instructor Details

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, Business Coach

Amanda Abella is an online business coach, speaker and author of the Amazon bestselling book - Make Money Your Honey. She is committed to helping individuals have a better relationship with work and money through entrepreneurship, online marketing and money mindset. Her work has been featured in Forbes, The Huffington Post, and more.

Having and abundance mindset is critical if you want to run a successful business.

What is included

  • 5 modules, 19 lessons
  • Practical examples
  • Unlimited access to streaming videos