How to Live a Peaceful Life?
A peaceful life comes from internal bliss. The more peaceful you are internally, the more stress you eliminate from your life. Are there certain aspects of your life that refuse to change no matter what you do or how much you try? There are certain aspects of life that just remain a certain way no matter what one does.
This may be a certain relationship, one’s finances or career or any given situation. Even though one may become aware of why things are the way they are, one is but helpless in changing anything for the better.
Some things are simply a part of our life experience and there is absolutely nothing that can be done to improve them. Accepting these experiences is the most positive way of handling them.
Controllable vs Uncontrollable
Always thinking that one can make a difference is not really wise. Some things are not meant to be perfect. Trying to control the uncontrollable aspects is not a good idea A relationship with a spouse, for instance, may not be satisfactory no matter what you do.
You may contemplate the reasons why things don’t get better for years yet achieve no success. It’s better to just let them be at the level that they are at. You may do your best in a relationship but how the other person thinks and feels about you is really not in your control.
Forgive and Forget – This is the most powerful aid to a peaceful life, but also challenging to achieve. For a blissful life shun the baggage of the past. Forgive, forget and move on in life. Love flourishes in giving and forgiving.
Whether it is financial prosperity, relationship satisfaction or a loved one’s health, there are certain aspects of life that one cannot change for the better at times. Accept these situations and dynamics as a given and make your peace with them the way they are.
The Power of Acceptance Life Can Be Beautiful
In Hinduism, the karma philosophy teaches us how to accept and deal with such situations beautifully. The renowned Linda Goodman too believed in the karma philosophy. She asked people to understand and accept such situations and dynamics and try to do as much good karma as possible in that aspect of life to get positive results, since karmic accounts get created.
In her book, Star Signs, she wrote about how several women get pregnant with their own child after they adopt a child after years of unsuccessful trying. Doctors call such events inexplicable and mysterious. So, if you suffer from ill-health, volunteer to help others suffering from similar health issues by doing volunteer work in a hospital.
Apart from accepting the situation as a given and putting in positive karma in the same aspect, there isn’t much else one can do.
Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding. ~ Albert Einstein (Tweet this)
If something positive comes your way, feel happy but if it doesn’t, don’t get disheartened. It is important not to expect a reward since karma doesn’t follow any fixed timelines and no one knows when your positive karma may come back.
Letting go helps you have better control over your emotions. You start taking them as a passing phase of life that do not have an adverse influence over you.
“You have peace,” the old woman said, “when you make it with yourself.” ~ Mitch Albom (Tweet this)
There are controllable and uncontrollable aspects in our lives and it is good for us to know the difference between the two. Not all aspects of life are controllable and we need to have the wisdom to accept certain things as they are even when they may not be perfect.
Trying to fight and change certain aspects is foolhardiness beyond a point. Accept such situations or relationships as they are and let them be. Being in touch with your Inner Peace is not the same as being happy.
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