Write For WisdomTimes

Why contribute to Wisdom Times?

  • Exposure to global audience: We get several thousands of visits each month from around the world. Your posts are promoted to all our loyal readers.
  • Positively Impacting lives: Wisdom Times has a mission to “elevate” 100 million lives by 2030. Your thoughts, ideas, tips all help in this process to move humanity forward.
  • Every post includes your bio with links back to your site: Featuring your posts on Wisdom Times could increase traffic and subscribers to your own website or blog.
  • No Advertisements: Readers get to enjoy your posts free of advertisements. We are an ad free site!
  • Featured Experts: If your posts gains popularity among our readers, then we will display your profile on our Featured Experts page

Submission Guidelines

  • Original content:  Two copies of the same content on the internet is bad for both parties.Content should be original content and not copied or duplicate material. Wisdom Times publishes only “unique” articles. So, once you submit a blog and it gets accepted – you cannot publish that blog on your own site or on any other site.
  • Offer Practical Tips: Your post should help solve real life challenges. There should be a take-away or lessons-learnt from reading your post.  Try to use examples, case studies or illustrations if possible
  • Word Count: Articles should be between 800-1400 words.
  • Context: Articles should be inspirational, motivational, feel-good kind of articles in the areas of personal development. The posts should be relevant to a global audience. See the list of acceptable categories on our sites’s main header menu (Blogs menu drop-down)
  • Use Quotes: Try to include at-least one wisdom “quote” in your post. This is however not mandatory.
  • No one-off Articles: We do not accept one-off blog posts submitted with the intent of self-promotion, marketing of books, workshops, etc.
  • Photos:  You may submit photos with your submissions. The images should be 850 pixels wide by 450 pixels tall. If you do not have images to share, then we will add images to posts which are submitted without photos.

The articles you submit may be modified, formatted and edited before posting on the site.  We retain full editorial and approval rights, including removing or substituting links.

How to Submit

Articles in Word document format will be accepted. No HTML please

You can reach out to us through the contact us page with subject “Write for Wisdom Times” to get started.

Since we get a lot of post submissions, it may take be up to 2 weeks for us to process your post. We do not accept posts from publicists or marketing agents. We work directly with authors.

Sincerely appreciate all your creativity and thank you for all your contributions!