How To Flirt With A Girl

how to flirt with a girl

If you type “how to flirt with” into Google, “how to flirt with a girl” is one of the top suggestions. Why do so many people want to learn how to flirt with a girl? Well, not everyone is a natural flirt.

We have good news, however. Flirting with a girl (or anyone, honestly) is as simple as being aware of yourself.

Learn how to flirt with a girl:

You’ve just met a beautiful girl and you don’t want to blow your chances. Take a deep breath and learn a few things about flirting with a girl without coming across as creepy.

1. Smile

Yes, smiling is one of the easiest and best ways to let a girl know you are interested in her. Smiling is an incredibly natural reaction to seeing someone you like—which makes it one of the simplest ways to flirt!

Most times, it is honestly harder to not smile when you see someone you like. If you have yet to formally meet the lady you are hoping to flirt with, smiling is still the best bet. Smiling is how you should greet anyone, but hold it a bit longer when you are trying to capture the attention of a lady.

2. Make eye contact

It is very hard for some people to make (and keep) eye contact, but it is vital in how to flirt with a girl. When you are talking to her, make sure you keep your eyes on her eyes.

Eye contact is a great way to let someone know that you are not only interested in what she is saying, but that you are actually paying attention to her. Which leads me to the next point.

3. Listen

Once you are talking to the object of your affection, make sure you actually listen when she is speaking to you. Listening to what she is saying may not seem like how to flirt with a girl, but it certainly is. Listen with your eyes and your eyes. It is a subtle, but important move.

4. Pay attention to her body language

Arguably, the most important part of flirting is to ensure it is reciprocated. If you notice that the lady you are speaking with seems uncomfortable, dismiss yourself right away. It is impossible to flirt with someone who is not interested, and it is important to respect women’s wishes.

Many women do not feel comfortable asking someone to leave them alone, so it is your responsibility to make sure you are aware of her mood. If she is smiling, and engaging in conversation with you, carry on. If you are unsure of reading a woman’s body language, it is appropriate to ask if it is okay to continue speaking with her.

5. Use your own body language

You know when you see someone with crossed arms, a frown on their face, and stiff posture? Most of us can tell that the aforementioned person is probably upset, or at the very least, uncomfortable.

You want to make sure you do not give off any signs of discomfort or unease. If you are interested in this girl and want to flirt with her, make sure your body is relaxed, your hands are visible, and your demeanor is pleasant. You can say a lot of things with your body language. Make sure you are saying the right things.

6. Ask questions

Whether you are flirting with a lady in a bar, or flirting with an old friend you have feelings for, asking questions is one of the best things you can do. “How was your weekend, Stacy?” or “How did your sister-in-law’s baby shower go?” Simple questions—especially ones in which you remember to follow-up on a previous conversation—are one of the best forms of how to flirt with a girl. Most women will appreciate your thoughtfulness and engage in conversation with you from there.

7. Gentle touches go a long way

Once you have begun to see your girl on a more regular basis, remember to continue flirting. It is not appropriate to touch a girl you do not know, especially in a social situation like a bar, but it is wonderful to gently touch the person you are romantically involved with.

Holding out your hand to help her out of a chair, resting your arm around her shoulders in a movie, holding her hand across the table at dinner—all of these simple touches are extremely powerful. Flirting should not stop once you are officially together.

In fact, it may be more important to remain flirtatious and interested once the romance has begun.

I always have many roads to travel, but I take the one which leads to you. ~ Amit Kalantri (Tweet this)

8. Make her laugh

Laughter, as they say, is the best medicine. Laughter is also the best way of how to flirt with a girl. If you can get a girl to laugh, she has already noticed you.

If you can get her to laugh on a regular basis, chances are she has at least weighed out the possibility of being with you. Funny guys go a long way in the world. Making her laugh is vital.

9. Ask her out

In this day and age, it is hard to find a person bold enough to simply ask a girl out on a date. There are a lot of blurred lines because of things like online dating, big social situations, workplace romance, and more.

One of the greatest flirting techniques to employ is to be straightforward and simply ask her out. You would be surprised at how many women have not been asked out on an official date. Be the change she wants to see.

And bring her flowers when you pick her up. Classic flirtation.

Beauty is a flirtacious language that speaks to the heart through the eyes. ~ Wayne Chirisa (Tweet this)

10. Be confident

Sure, we all lack confidence when it comes to the dating world. It is nerve-wracking and hard to put yourself out there. However if you are confident in your ability to flirt, you will notice the difference.

Walk up to a woman, smile, make her laugh, ask if you can talk with her for a bit, and watch something beautiful blossom right before you. Confidence is the key to everything, even flirtation.

There are plenty of other ways to flirt, ways that you will become more familiar with as you get to know the lady you have your eye on. The most important parts of how to flirt with a girl are to be yourself, be confident, and realize that you are capable of having a conversation. The rest will fall into your lap. Happy flirting!

I perfume myself with the fragrance of her love ❤ ❤.  ~ Bazil Patel (Tweet this)

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About the Author

Jessica Tholmer has a degree in English Literature. Jessica is a full-time writer for a small company, but she writes for multiple other forums. Jessica writes about love, life, and everything in between for HelloGiggles, though her work has been featured on Nerve, The Gaggle, The Conversation, and The Siren as well.

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