Guided Meditation for Healing

Guided Meditation

Meditation is a process which allows the mind to reach a calm and relaxed state. A calm and relaxed state of mind helps the body to restore depleted energy. Guided meditation techniques use affirmative visualizations to guide the body to a certain desired outcome.

In most guided meditation techniques, the body is visualized as a source of bright light emanating outward, by visualizing this light energy being directed to healing a specific body part or ailment, it is possible to ease pain and suffering caused due to diseases.

With regular meditation, a body is able to de-stress, relax and rejuvenate. Practitioners of guided meditation have reported easing of chronic pain in a vast majority of cases.

Meditation is a personal practice and the effective technique and benefits vary from person to person. With regular practice of meditation, people have been able to overcome harmful addictions, negativity and trauma.

What is lesser known, is that meditation can heal the body as well as the mind. Meditation is a technique to synchronise the mind and body. The mind and body, working together in harmony lead to spiritual uplifting and enlightenment. The immense power of the human mind is one of the least-known and least-harnessed energy sources in the universe.

Sharma, my friend used to be a chronic patient of knee pain and was unhappy about not being able to join our group on hiking trips. He loved hiking so much that he was keen to try anything for the fun he was so sadly missing.

Upon getting the advice on guided meditation, he fiercely followed the practice. Needless to say, he is now enjoying his regular hiking trips putting his knee pain in the past.

Practicing guided meditation

Guided meditation is based upon step-by-step guidance by a guide. Numerous CDs are available in the market today, which use a combination of soothing music and mellifluous voice instructions to guide the listener into a state of relaxation.

The practitioner should start out with an open mind and with a relaxed time frame in which to practice meditation. The physical surrounding should be quiet and clean. Soothing music and candles aid, but are not essential to, meditation.

  • Meditation pose: For beginners, lying in the corpse position is ideal. This is done by lying on the back on a floor-mat on the floor without using any neck support. The arms and legs are straight and at a comfortable distance. The neck should be relaxed and the head should be kept straight. The shoulders are drawn up to a comfortable position. For those who are more flexible, the mat can be placed close to the wall. The legs should be kept at a 90 degree angle with the upper part of the body, using the wall as support.
  • Awareness of breath: Observe the breath for a few inhalation and exhalations. Deepen each inhalation and exhalation till the count of four for each inhalation, holding on both breaths and exhalations. The belly and chest should sink with each inhalation and exhalation.
  • Relaxing each part of the body: Starting from the toes, tighten and relax each part. As you relax each area, visualize bright light entering that part and soothing the pain
  • Healing: Continue breathing deep and direct healing energy to the ailing part, filling it with love and peace. Focus on sending a pure blue energy to the ailment, taking away the pain and inflammation. This blue energy can be directed to the ailing part of the body with positive affirmations on rebuilding and rejuvenating the body
  • Time: Guided meditation can be practiced at any time. It can be practiced for 20 minutes thrice a week to start with and then built up to an hour every day of the week
  • Benefits: Guided meditation reduces stress-related ailments like hypertension and high blood pressure. It has proven effective in healing injuries and relieving chronic stress.


Guided meditation is believed to be the future of holistic healing. Eastern seers have always known that the body can be controlled by the power of the mind. Doctors are now being less ambivalent and are open to using meditation as an aid to conventional treatment for many ailments.

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About the Author

Vasantha Chary is an avid reader and a passionate writer. She believes in reaching out to people across the world through her well researched articles. She has been writing for the internet for over 4 years on a variety of topics of general interest.

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