Effective Communication in 4 Easy Steps

Effective communication One would think that in this day and age human beings would be excellent communicators. We have so many ways to get in touch and maintain a rapport with each other. Be it fancy cell phones with 3-way calling, video chatting or social media, I think each one of us probably uses one or more of these devices/applications every day.

This post is not about talking to your significant other through the filter of these devices. It’s really just about the age-old art of communication.

How can you communicate more effectively?

1. Discuss the Problem not the Person

Let us say you have a problem at hand. And you need to discuss things to obtain some clarification and in some cases maybe even get closure. First and foremost, being confrontational is not going to help anybody. We can get carried away with emotions.

Emotional awareness certainly can improve effective communication. If you care about something it’s only natural to be emotional about it. Right? It is of paramount importance to not lose sight of the problem and take shots at the person(s) involved. Instead, be clear, concise and cordial.

Let’s talk about it but no blame-games please

2. Effective Communication – It’s all about the Timing

Have you ever felt bad about something that somebody did or said but didn’t want to sound emotional/confrontational, so you just let it go? But did you really let it go? Of course not. And then somewhere something (petty) brews and festers, and when you actually discussed it, not only could you not remember the facts correctly (and neither does the other person) but on top of that you’re even more upset because of all the pressure that built up. It has happened to me a few times.

Now I am happily married and when my husband and I disagree with each other, we make it a point to discuss it as soon as possible. I believe that life is too short to hold grudges.  Learn to let go of your grudges. I am not saying that you must drop everything to discuss it, but find an opportune time soon and get it out of your system.

Let’s not procrastinate while discussing a problem.

3. Be honest and upfront

I think most of us do not have the nerve of saying something to somebody’s face but are most comfortable voicing our opinions behind closed doors and in a close-knit group. Well, you could say “nothing wrong with that . . . we all do it.” But problems arise when things are misconstrued.

The Indian joint family is a classic example. What I am suggesting is to be honest about things. Honesty doesn’t mean being impolite. You can be an honest person who politely says what he/she believes and before you know it, you will come across as a transparent person, with absolutely nothing to hide.

Talk to the person. Not of the person.

4. Avoid the communication gap

I think this is most commonly seen in personal relationships especially with family or friends. Have you ever remembered how well you got along with somebody, but now realize you haven’t talked with that person in ages? We get busy with our lives and somehow we drift apart.

There is a simple solution to avoid a communication gap. Talk! Pick up the phone and make that call. Use social media to find the person on Facebook or maybe you have an old e-mail address? I am not saying that we all must reach out to every person that we ever met but if you truly cared for a friendship, then don’t assume things and jump to conclusions.

The only goodbye you need to say is to your ego.

Open up those lines of communications and bridge those gaps.

Think like a wise man but communicate in the language of the people. ~ William Butler Yeats (Tweet this)

Read more at: Effective Communication Skills – 7 Rules,


Effective communication is truly an art!!!  Use all the latest technology available to you and COMMUNICATE to CONNECT with people. Convey your thoughts and feelings in a friendly way.

Of course, discuss and debate but let there be no discord.


About the Author

Anamika pursued her life-long goal of a doctorate degree in Microbiology and Immunology. She is a medical writer by profession, and has found a new joy in creative writing.

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