4 Unique Tools And Practices To Set Business Intentions

business intentions
When most people think of business goals or business intentions they think of quarterly and annual revenue, which is fine and certainly has its place. However, if we’re solely focused on the numbers we tend to lose sight of what our original business intentions were. I’ve seen this happen time and time again. If someone gets too involved in trying to hit certain numbers and hinges their success on that, they tend to struggle.

Meanwhile, if they see their numerical goals as a sort of map, and make sure to stay grounded in why they’ve created their business, then success shows up.

My own business intentions

In an effort of being transparent I admit that I have fallen victim to becoming obsessed with numbers. In fact, I would venture to say that my first year in business after having quit my job was rough because that’s all I cared about.

I was so desperate to make a certain amount of money that I didn’t give myself credit for how far I’d come. I’d go into negotiations feeling uneasy. I’d lost sight of my true mission and I hadn’t even taken the time to realize that my goal for my first year of full-time entrepreneurship was totally unrealistic.

I’ve noticed these tendencies in myself. I’ve also noticed them in many of my clients, book readers and blog followers. As such, I started focusing on practices and rituals that would help ground me as I set intentions and goals for my business.

The result is that when you feel better you do better. And even if things aren’t perfect, you know that you will be fine.

Below you’ll find some of the tools and practices I use in my own life as well as those that I teach my clients. There is just one caveat, you can’t follow these practices without expecting to do some serious hard work on your part.While these practices certainly play a role, it’s up to you to take the appropriate action to meet your goals.

With that being said, let’s jump right into some practices you can take into your daily life to set goals and intentions.

1. Crystal grids

Healing crystals are used to set intentions and align you with the vibration of your desired outcome. Crystal grids are used in order to put several crystals together in an effort to more quickly manifest an outcome. For example, I recently created a prosperity crystal grid where I used stones that were associated with abundance.

4 Unique Tools and Practices to Set Business Intentions_crystal grid1

In order to create the grid it is suggested that you go into alpha state (meditation) and then create the grid while keeping your intention in mind. As time goes on you visit your grid and visualize your desired outcome, thus infusing your grid with more intention. I also made a grid the same day of writing this article. I was feeling a major lack of creativity and decided to make a crystal grid to help me with the intention of removing my creative block. The result? I was able to have a full day of writing without any substantial procrastination.

To put it in perspective, I’d been struggling with this block for more than a week before creating the grid. Some would argue that this is just a placebo effect, even if that were the case by simply doing a practice that forces you to get clear on your intentions – you will be more able to reach your desired outcome.

For more on how crystal grids work and how to use them – check out Hibiscus Moon on YouTube. You can also learn more about how intention affects reality by checking out Dr. William Tiller’s work.

2. Work according to the cycles of the moon

Lunar planting is the phenomenon in which farmers plan their harvest according to moon cycles. For example, many farmers fervently believe that planting seeds during the New Moon will yield a better result. There’s no solid evidence to either prove or disprove this theory, mostly because it would be quite an elaborate experiment over a series of years, however it still serves as a great metaphor for our goals. For example, the New Moon could be the time that you take the time to set your intentions.

The Full Moon is typically seen as a time to release that which no longer serves you. Some people mark these moments by creating small rituals where they set and release intentions. For instance, during the New Moon you can light a candle and spend that time journaling and creating steps for your desired intentions.

During the Full Moon you can create a symbolic releasing ceremony where you write down all that no longer serves your business on a piece of paper and burn it. At the very least, it gives you set dates on a calendar where you essentially force yourself to take a look at your life and business intentions and make corrections if need be.

3. Visualization

Visualization is an incredibly powerful tool you can use daily to help you get clear on your goals and business intentions. Your mind doesn’t know the difference between something that is happening in real life and something that is in your mind, which is why proponents of visualization say it’s a great tool to train your subconscious mind toward going after what you really want.

Try taking five minutes each day to simply visualize what it is you want. Don’t get discouraged if the image is fuzzy in the beginning, with more time and experience they start becoming crystal clear. One way I teach clients to start visualizing is to first center the brain by doing square breathing.

Square breathing is when you breathe in for a certain count (let’s say 4), pause for the same count, exhale for the same count, pause again and repeat. This puts your brain in a sort of trance and it becomes more open to visualizing that which you want manifested.

When visualizing see if you can put yourself in the visualization and feel what it’s like to “already have” what you want.

4. Affirmations

Affirmations work in a similar fashion to visualization, the only difference being that you use other senses. Whereas with visualization you are seeing what you truly want to achieve, with affirmations you are using words and sound to get the same result.

For example, I have a list of simple prosperity and abundance affirmations near my workspace. I created them based on my current financial goals. Every time I see this list I make it a point to recite the affirmations out loud.

Again, your subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between what’s real and what’s being said in the affirmations, so over time the affirmations begin to rewire your brain.

Another great way to use affirmations is to create your own subliminal tracks. Using a program like GarageBand (or the PC equivalent) record yourself saying your affirmations. Once you’re done recording edit the volume so that you can barely hear the affirmations being said, and then lay an instrumental track on top of it.

Many claim this works because since your conscious mind technically can’t hear what’s being said on the track, then your ego cannot object. Meanwhile your subconscious mind can pick up the messages. You’ll notice that these practices all have a common agenda: setting intentions and making sure your mind is in tip top shape. By combining this with action, you’ll be able to meet the business intentions that you set.


About the Author

Amanda Abella is an online business coach, speaker and author of the Amazon bestselling book - Make Money Your Honey. She is committed to helping individuals have a better relationship with work and money through entrepreneurship, online marketing and money mindset. Her work has been featured in Forbes, The Huffington Post, and more.

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